Gordon Patrick (Nick Moran), a young CIA analyst is assigned to investigate the mysterious death of a major Russian political figure. In Moscow, Gordon meets Dina (Tara Reid), a street-smart woman with a mysterious past. She leads him down a perilous journey of no return: where organized crime, assassinations, deadly betrayal and political corruption at the highest level are just the tip of the iceberg. In the end, Gordon faces the brutal reality that those you trust the most are the ones you should trust the least.
Gordon Patrick (Nick Moran), seorang analis muda CIA diberi tugas untuk menyelidiki kematian misterius seorang tokoh politik utama Rusia. Di Moskow, ia menemui Dina (Tara Reid), seorang wanita cerdas dengan masa lalu misterius. Ia menuntun Gordon kedalam perjalanan berbahaya tanpa dapat kembali lagi: di mana kejahatan, pembunuhan, pengkhianatan dan korupsi politik berbahaya berada di puncak kekuasaan. Pada akhirnya, Gordon menghadapi kenyataan brutal bahwa orang-orang yang ia percayai adalah mereka yang seharusnya tidak ia percaya.
Directed by: JAMES D. DECK
Written by: JAMES D. DECK
Production Company: SYNDICATE FILMS
Silent Partner
Gordon Patrick, young analyst of the CIA, should investigate the mysterious death of an important Russian politician. Soon it does friendship with Dina, an intelligent youth with a secret past.
And she carries directly to a dangerous point without return, in which the more he advances more dangerous he returns : crime organized, political murders and the murky financing of a campaign, they are only the tip of the iceberg.
Finally , Gordon should be faced to a brutal reality: those in which has trusted they are in which should never have believed
The whole thing at the above is a snack worth for a weekend
Categories: Action Movie, Criminal Film, Film Action, Film Kriminal
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